Wednesday 7 March 2012

BBC R4 - Plain Tales From The Raj


Seeing the popularity of our older post - More Plain Tales from the Raj, I decided to look around and find the first of this series, which I've uploaded here for your pleasure.


Reminiscences of people who lived and worked in India from the late
19thC to Independence in 1947.

Interviewees came from a wide range of civilian and military departments.
Military  personnel range from the Commander in Chief of the Army in India
to Army privates. Civil servants of various ranks and members of the business
and commercial world.

Subjects include accommodation and living conditions, daily routine, social life,
recreation, health sanitation, the effects of India postings on family life, relations
between the British, other Europeans, Indians and Eurasians, events such as
riots and earthquakes, the fauna and landscape and political events.


  1. Hi Ive downloaded this file but its encrypted and needs a password before winrar will open it. Any ideas ?

  2. You comment that "More Plain Tales...." was popular.
    I am trying to find the complete series of that title. Only one episode of that exists on here.
    Does anyone know the whereabouts of the rest?

  3. Hi I've just tried to download this, the thought being it would be a great Christmas present for my Dad who is 95 and blind. Unfortunately the file appears to have been deleted. Does anyone know how to get hold of it?
    Thanks David
